The Lee Academy Football program is coached by Coach Rick Johnston (662-934-3344), Coach Will Florence (662-934-1861), and Coach Josh Miller (662-202-6405).
Lee Academy provides the players with uniforms, including jerseys, pants, helmets, and pads. Players will need to provide their own cleats.
IT IS REQUIRED TO NOTIFY A COACH IF YOU ARE GOING TO MISS PRACTICE OR A WORKOUT! Due to family vacations and other plans, athletes are allowed to miss 4 summer workouts with no penalty.
For summer practice and workout schedule, click here: Practices are Monday,Tuesday, and Thursday DEAD WEEKS ARE: May 22 - 29, 2023 and July 3 - 7, 2023 - there will be no practice during these weeks. The weight room will be open and available on a limited basis during those times. Please contact a coach for those hours.
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