2023 Homecoming t-shirts will have no pocket and will be printed on a comfort colors shirt.
Color: Orchid.
Shirts will come in limited youth and all adult sizes!
Please see the attached t-shirt design.
You may print this form off and complete it, or your student may fill one out at school.
Thank you for your support! We look forward to a fun WONKA themed week!
We have a FIRM deadline of September 8 to get your order in; orders will stop at 10:00 am on September 8!
2023 Homecoming T-shirt ORDER
Price: $20 short sleeve Due: Friday, September 8, 2023
Student Name: ___________________________________ Student Grade:_______
Size(s) Needed: Youth M _____ Youth L _____
Adult S_____ M_____ L______ XL_____ 2XL(+$2) _____
TOTAL # SHIRTS ORDERED _______ Amount enclosed: ___________