Lee Academy Senior Alyssa Grace Vassel Awarded QuestBridge National College Match Scholarship.

Lee Academy Senior Alyssa Grace Vassel Awarded QuestBridge National College Match Scholarship.

Lee Academy senior Alyssa Grace Vassel has been awarded a full, four year QuestBridge National College Match Scholarship. On receiving news of her match with Vanderbilt University, Alyssa said, “I felt so blessed to be admitted to my dream school with a full scholarship! Being able to attend a top university without massive amounts of debt has always been my goal. I’m so grateful for the opportunity given me by Questbridge to tell my story and set myself up for a bright future at Vanderbilt.” 

QuestBridge is a national nonprofit that connects high-achieving students with leading institutions of higher education and further life opportunities. By recruiting, developing, and motivating these students in high school and beyond, QuestBridge aims to help talented students attend the nation’s best colleges and to support them to achieve success in their respective careers and communities. 

Out of over 20,800 applicants, QuestBridge selected 6,683 Finalists to be considered for the QuestBridge National College Match Scholarship. This year QuestBridge’s 50 college partners matched with 2,242 Finalists, who are recognized as Match Scholarship Recipients. This is the highest number of Match Scholarship recipients to date.

“We are thrilled to welcome this historic community of QuestBridge Scholars,” said Ana Rowena Mallari, Co-Founder and CEO of QuestBridge. Their achievements speak to their depth of intellect and character, and we know they will continue to dream big on their college campuses and beyond.” At Vanderbilt, Alyssa plans to major in psychology as a pre-health student and then attend medical school to become a psychiatrist.